Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby, Clothes, Stroll and more

I never thought I would find attainment in my homemaker’s role. From the usual everyday dal to the lip –smacking Jerk Chicken, I find my happiness in everyday things. I might miss my 7pm episode of ‘Friends’, but not checking recipes online. Is this change or just a phase?
Change brought about by the most important person in my life – my daughter. Eight months back, I just wanted to know how the ‘mother of all biological procedure’ will happen with me and today, I am engrossed in my domestic life; like I never was anything other than a stay-at-home mom.
Career etc seems alien to me now and all I can think of is the water for my baby’s bath and what’s cooking and what ought to be cooking for the next meal.
But the glam lifestyle attracts me still and I am always ready with a chic attire. Actually, I think I have made more time for it as my outings are limited and I might as well do them in style. Not to forget my curler for all those curls I wanted to get years ago. Spaghetti top and trendy jeans, low heels, no make up but an eye-catching stole for sure. So motherhood has surely seen me inventing; not re-inventing as I was never here before.
Today, I would rather re-organise my cupboards, spring clean, try a hand at baking (which is alien to me as sushi is to Kamala ben), crochet and not think about my career graph and life goals. I would rather entertain guests than laze away my afternoons. But hey, my afternoons were booked with one more important thing – washing clothes!!! Yes, you read it right. I absolutely love to wash my clothes. With my bai suddenly missing from action and loads of laundry waiting in soaked buckets; I could only get to washing them as I had fretted and complained about all the other chores. This only just needed to be done. Amen!
So there I was, juggling baby with cooking, one morning after my husband left for office. As the day began to unfold, baby got tired and decided to sleep. But I knew no sleep, my mind raced to the waiting clothes and I tip-toed into the bathroom. Scrub, scrub...rinse rinse; another rinse in Dettol and I heard my baby’s call. I rushed before she could be fully awake and as she slept, my wet toes took me back to finish the drying session. I took my wet clothes, squeezed the excess water and enjoyed the breeze as I put them on the clothes line. Gayatri aunty from the next building came by at her balcony and we chatted about her daughter's first born, Ganesh Chaturi and the missing bais again.
Happy, I’m done. My baby smiles in her sleep, sweetly, innocently; let life remain like this one movement. But there those eyes pop up and it's time for baby's evening stroll in the park.
'Papu, papu', the garden aaji calls out, mali nods happily, baby smiles at kids on the swings and I return home after two flights of stairs - back to my abode!!! Phew!!!! Tired? What's that?
Tomorrow's another day, another set of anxieties. But I am ready, I am fine; having the best sleep after a laborious day.

1 comment:

Sheetal said...

I really liked this new post. Simple everyday life made interesting. Always loved your positive outlook towards life. Stay just the same! :)